
Today is the day for us to make a circle. make a circle make a circle make a circle

                                                             O                          A
                                                         a                                  cir-
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                                                                             O                    e
                                                      m                                           l
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                                                          k                                    r
                                                              e                             i
                                                                        a        c

It wasn't easy to make this circle on this page just now. It took a long time to make everything come together, but I kept working at it and it really came together nicely... if just a bit off center....

Today is the day to make a circle! We can do it. Circle Drum Dance Sing for peace on earth as activism for a clean healthy Mother Earth!!!


whisper your wish to the dandelion seeds...

in praise of dandelions: 
small yet noticeable, 
pretty yet protective, 
bitter yet purifying, 
deeply rooted,
tenacious and prolific!

whisper your wish to the dandelion seeds...
oh precious little seeds fly away on my breath into the wind 
and find a place to take root
in my neighbors hearts....


to wake

Every day...
Like a dream
closes it's eyes to sleep
I, too fall.
my eyes close
but my mind
tosses and turns me
tosses and turns me
tosses and turns me

I anticipate the dawn....
when thoughts so bright awake me
to the new days magic!

flower of intuition

wow... it was a very good morning.

I woke up and followed my intuitions. Beautiful things happen when intuition is involved.

Think on this...
there is a flower in the center of your body, an invisible but very real flower.
In every person just as some describe as a light, there is a beautiful flower.
A beautiful sacred lotus flower.
Oh it is lovely. It is the invisible flower of intuition. It is absolutely there and I have touched it today.

I am holding it as a pure and powerful guide.
I am holding it sacred and I am transformed this day. Miraculous Day.

In Love and Unity with All of You, My Friends
Flower-Peace to You and Yours.
Veronica Ruth

I must credit Yoko Ono with the invisible flower phrase from her beautiful, beautiful book of that name, which inspired me today, which is part of this alchemy ongoing....