
flower of intuition

wow... it was a very good morning.

I woke up and followed my intuitions. Beautiful things happen when intuition is involved.

Think on this...
there is a flower in the center of your body, an invisible but very real flower.
In every person just as some describe as a light, there is a beautiful flower.
A beautiful sacred lotus flower.
Oh it is lovely. It is the invisible flower of intuition. It is absolutely there and I have touched it today.

I am holding it as a pure and powerful guide.
I am holding it sacred and I am transformed this day. Miraculous Day.

In Love and Unity with All of You, My Friends
Flower-Peace to You and Yours.
Veronica Ruth

I must credit Yoko Ono with the invisible flower phrase from her beautiful, beautiful book of that name, which inspired me today, which is part of this alchemy ongoing....

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