
What MORATORIUM NOW Means and why you should use it as a comment

MORATORIUM NOW  should be an International  DEMAND.
MORATORIUM NOW is an action to Suspend all oil, gas, fossil fuel extraction, coal and mineral mining worldwide except for limited uses in medical and humanitarian needs. Limiting fossil fuel extraction, plastics production and steel production, limiting all metal/ore smelting and production. Brownout type reductions on smelting and refining. Banning clear cuts and "controlled" burns. Redetermining usage / output regulations making them strictly Scheduled to Give Relief to Environmental Systems (ie. Air, Water, Soil, Forests, Wildlife, Indigenous and Local Communities.) Limiting Shipping, in all forms, of all fossil fuels, coal, mined ores. The moratorium is extended to chemical production as well. Adhesives, paints, solvents etc. I would like to see non essential plastics be Banned, ie: toys and other useless items and most especially plastic packaging of all kinds especially bottles. And the final piece is for waste. NO Waste can be shipped or dumped in the sea. None, not solid or liquid.  There should also be a moratorium on Shipping. With strict regulations for what should and should not be shipped. This WILL Impact everyone and many very small businesses will need to be compensated, obviously.  
We cant keep doing the same thing expecting different results.
This Demand for Moratorium (supension) Is ProEnvironment, ProUnity, Pro Humanity.
It is Anti-pollution, anti-corporate colonization, anti corruption, anti greed, anti poverty,
The only thing that oil and gas should be used for is basic human needs like heating and food supply, and life saving things such as Hospitals and dialysis, the fabrication of medical equipment and other Life Saving and Essential manufacture purposes.
 There is a way for big companies to do this, and  IT WILL MAKE THEM LOOK GOOD.
Its great Public Relations. And they could avoid going to JAIL.  
 Moratorium Now also includes Jailing Polluters.  
Commenting with Jail the Polluters reinforces this idea in people's minds. Saying it over and over again gets us really believing that this is what should be done to them, BECAUSE IT SHOULD.