
Futurism equals Climate Disaster

There is a dichotomy of thought in the world, and in many of our own minds, about the future.
On one hand is the notion of a futuristic space travel hover car world. Asimov and Roddenberry et al may be to blame but we perpetuate it.
On the other hand is the ominous eventuality of climate change and climate disaster.
Together they equal dystopia.
The futuristic imaginings can only eventuate as Climate Disaster.
All of the raw material needed and the energy required to Build such a Musk/ Bezos future can only be  created by capitalist Polluting dystopian fascists of our nightmares. Make no mistake, this is the truth.  It is happening right now under our noses while we all dream of the future of floating cars and missions to mars like silly girls dreaming of princes in our pink ruffled bedrooms.
All of the ugly landscapes in all the futuristic science fiction movies and novels already exist and will only continue to grow until there is nothing left. The refugee and prison camps of displaced and policed people Exist all over the world and they continue to grow: Turkey, China, United States, Kashmir, Philippines, Lebanon, India, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia(a mix of countries with either detainment or refugee camps)... the current number of displaced persons is now 70.8 million worldwide. The highest number ever. That is fucking astronomical.  The number of Detained persons in this country is over 350,000.  In China it's over a million; look up Uyghrs. Turkey has over 3 million Syrian refugees. 

So, listen to me... You Have to come to terms with this nonsense fairytale of a futuristic world of floating cars and magical fingertip easy controls and flying into space to meet aliens. It cant happen without the total toxic pollution destruction of our oceans and entire planet and the murder of millions and the police state violent detention and mind control enslavement of 90% of the population. It is Happening Right Now.

You have to ERASE the white privelege concepts of space travel and smart homes from your minds right now because that shit is sending us straight to hell.

Mass production and computers in every room and cell phones and missions to Mars eat up Energy and resources. Energy is made with fossil fuels and Nuclear power. Burning fossil fuels is destroying the Air, destroying the oceans, polluting the land and causing climate disaster. Nuclear power is Dangerous and is currently killing sealife in the pacific and Arctic ocean due to accidents in Japan and Russia.  Resources are ores and minerals Ores are mined. Mines are filthy toxic pollution sites. Toxic Pollution is destroying the Earth and causing climate disaster, there by killing us all.
Just because a bunch of wealthy priveleged white aristocrats wanted to get richer at the turn of the century and made investments in Oil, Steel, Manufacturing and Shipping Does NOT Mean that it was Ever a Good Idea. It was Never a Good Idea.  There are dozens of  toxic metals being mined and smelted! Shipping is Filthy. It is toxic from the manufacture of steel to building of ships to use of oil to power ships to oil spills to death of sea life to polluting of waters to polluting of ports to mistreatment and displacement of indigenous people... Oil is the same list plus oil spills and devastation of wildlife, wilderness and coral reefs. Manufacturing is the pinnacle, inclusive of all the Big 3 polluters plus the incalculable devastation of the entire planet due to Waste including the biggest threat, Plastic Packaging. 
Thats your future folks, if you keep believing the fairytale of futurism. The Fairytale of space travel. The fairy tale of computerised android slavebots to do your bidding. The fairytale that we are creating right now because the white robber barons made up a world for us. We must destroy the ideas they forced onto us with the ease of the toaster and the dishwasher in every home. Now it is the cell phone and the laptop. Soon it will be the robot and the flying car. Please. I beg of you; STOP Dreaming of the Futuristic Future!!
Start Imagining Better ways to do Better Things, Different Things. The Ideas of the Past Are KIlling Us, Lets Kill those Bad Ideas Instead.

Links to references






1123 ex post facto reality

I.  "I am he
as you are he
and we are all together".

I walked down this dirt road
in the dark to siddhartha
and I told him 
you are not my father; I renounce you. 

So, now 
in the golden flicker
of candlelight 
in the water bowls 
in every dark room of my mind
is it my own fault, 
I wonder. 

this could be 1800's new orleans 
I can smell the jasmine 
and feel the white lace dress 
and the binding tightness 
of the spell of righteousness...

of all the places I have been
new orleans was the most 
and least free. 

but I digress,
as always.

III.  bodhisattva

in my youth 
I was an 
perhaps now 
I am merely a storm cloud.

rainbows come of such things.

this is the section about Descartes.

I think. 

In this post facto reality
I've got going 
truth is, 
I am the same person I was 
the day I first realized who I am. 

all the many and the none
I walked backwards to get here. 

"but it's all right ma, it's life, and life only"

nautilus shell 
was a birthday gift
I cant recall who gave it to me
but I remember 
suddenly now 
after 40 years
they said 
"It's You, 
or actually, right there in the center is you."
my birthday 
the first 4 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence

if we apply the golden ratio 
we can see how it is...

a logarithmic spiral. . .. ...  


Righteousness, religion, revolution: Why the Enlightenment, the founding fathers and Science brought forth a new nation...

 A few centuries ago ...

A few centuries ago there was a time period that is now known as the enlightenment, when observers of natural events had cataloged, researched and created scientific thought and practice, when others had observed society at large, and people specifically, and compiled data to form new social structures that included fairness and equality as their Primary Tenets. It was a time of great need in a world of much greed and tyranny of kings and savage businessmen... It was a time when religion was corrupt and oppressive and seething with politic and hatred... A time when the world could be HAD.

Now is also such a time... and our closed minded idea of living in an advanced Age is exposed to brutal truth. We are being Had.

Slavery is rampant and practiced everywhere Still, it Never went away.
Religions are petty and puerile and mean and selfish.
Politics are festering piles of boiling diarrhea.
Governments are owned by corporations.
The world is a cesspool of polluted filth.

This is a true turning point of humanity.

We either have to change in a dramatic positive way immediately or perish.

The founding fathers brought forth a new nation during this period of enlightenment on the basis of science and fairness and moral philosophy for the betterment of mankind, not freedom of religion per se, that is merely a tenet, not a basis! The righteousness of fundamentalist christians here in the United States is not based on reality. The founders were against governance by the church and tyranny. Righteousness has no place in government. Freedom of religion is just a basic right, not a podium on which to oppress people! Thats what the authors of our founding documents thought.
I mean, How can any human person in this bright future present - How can Any One believe that they are gods chosen person and that they have a right and an obligation to convert people to their fairy tale rule book or condemn them or, worse, to harm and kill them for not believing? ! Shocking does not adequately describe the preposterousness of this idea!!

Populations have been revolting against tyrants and oppressors for so long that One would hope - that in general - Everyone should be aware that Injustice and oppression exist, they are unfair and wicked, they cause all the suffering in the world and they need to be avoided, and put down and deposed at all times. It is The FOUNDING PRINCIPLE OF THIS NATION THAT WE ARE ALL EQUAL HERE AND THAT WE DEMAND OUR NATION TO BE JUST AND FAIR AND COMPASSIONATE. (We have yet to truly live up to it though.)

Fair and Equal is the Standard to which we Aspire. Over the years the people who actually read our foundational documents and study the laws and have integrity, have expanded the rights and freedom of many oppressed people.

Therefore, IT DOES NOT FOLLOW...It does NOT Follow that in This Nation of Free and Equal, Anti Tyranny, Anti Oppression, This Revolutionary, Enlightenment Era, Free Thinking, Nation of Tolerance and Humanitarianism... That we would EVER EVER EVER  EVER Allow fundamentalists to write laws, bribe representatives, steal elections, revoke rights, infiltrate our public opinions, defame and punish people, oppress our citizens, nor allow them to harm and kill those they don't agree with.  It's bad enough that we allowed industrialists and now corporations and war opportunists to run the world forever

But that is exactly what is happening, here and everywhere.  Christian Fundamentalism alone is swelling to an infectious tsunami sized wave of intolerance hate fear blame and Yes, killing that can Not be Allowed at All. NO. Never.

The righteous religious population has swallowed a lie, and they are puking it up on the rest of us. It makes me sick! their motto of helpless ignorant non understanding is this: Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do and die.... because god said so. It's ridiculous.

I do Not believe in fairies. And I am so happy to be free of such nonsense really. People have the horrible tendency to revert to childish thinking, or passive denial of responsibility to question authority. During the enlightenment when the alleged founding fathers (and their wives, sisters, mothers, girl friends and female acquaintances) THOUGHT About REALITY, they Most Certainly Did Question Authority!!

I ask you now to speak of this to others, to Absolutely Question Authority

And To