We take it for granted
this higher reasoning thing,
Not everyone has itmillions are not so blessed
with A-level heads, in more ways
than one.
but I am cursed with
various aspects of
"too clever for your own good"
Hyper vigilance among them.
It used to run my show.
down to the insomnia and sleep deprivation.
Thankfully I have learned to ignore it.
I actually sleep now
despite the horrors of the world
and the things I havent done
and the thing I should have said.
It was all about the lack of
Love, oh and the cruelty.
Once I finally understood
that most people are
pathologically unable to love
in any semblance of a
functioning quality -
I was cured of my despair.
and I do really think
it is higher reasoning
that determines us.
not the usual way we think
like a crow uses tools,
or a cat looks questioningly
into a mirror for days or weeks
until finally he's settled on
some answer,
No. It is a thing not easily accessed,
imperceptibly deep.
most of life doesnt require it of us.
It all just Goes by
even the most difficult and frustrating things
are basic.
No, it's something else
that brings a person
into the strange ethereal
other worldly
higher reasoning
that I'm thinking of.
A Tolkein kind of a place
where the heart is so connected
to the mind that flowers grow
in Mordor.
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