
Righteousness, religion, revolution: Why the Enlightenment, the founding fathers and Science brought forth a new nation...

 A few centuries ago ...

A few centuries ago there was a time period that is now known as the enlightenment, when observers of natural events had cataloged, researched and created scientific thought and practice, when others had observed society at large, and people specifically, and compiled data to form new social structures that included fairness and equality as their Primary Tenets. It was a time of great need in a world of much greed and tyranny of kings and savage businessmen... It was a time when religion was corrupt and oppressive and seething with politic and hatred... A time when the world could be HAD.

Now is also such a time... and our closed minded idea of living in an advanced Age is exposed to brutal truth. We are being Had.

Slavery is rampant and practiced everywhere Still, it Never went away.
Religions are petty and puerile and mean and selfish.
Politics are festering piles of boiling diarrhea.
Governments are owned by corporations.
The world is a cesspool of polluted filth.

This is a true turning point of humanity.

We either have to change in a dramatic positive way immediately or perish.

The founding fathers brought forth a new nation during this period of enlightenment on the basis of science and fairness and moral philosophy for the betterment of mankind, not freedom of religion per se, that is merely a tenet, not a basis! The righteousness of fundamentalist christians here in the United States is not based on reality. The founders were against governance by the church and tyranny. Righteousness has no place in government. Freedom of religion is just a basic right, not a podium on which to oppress people! Thats what the authors of our founding documents thought.
I mean, How can any human person in this bright future present - How can Any One believe that they are gods chosen person and that they have a right and an obligation to convert people to their fairy tale rule book or condemn them or, worse, to harm and kill them for not believing? ! Shocking does not adequately describe the preposterousness of this idea!!

Populations have been revolting against tyrants and oppressors for so long that One would hope - that in general - Everyone should be aware that Injustice and oppression exist, they are unfair and wicked, they cause all the suffering in the world and they need to be avoided, and put down and deposed at all times. It is The FOUNDING PRINCIPLE OF THIS NATION THAT WE ARE ALL EQUAL HERE AND THAT WE DEMAND OUR NATION TO BE JUST AND FAIR AND COMPASSIONATE. (We have yet to truly live up to it though.)

Fair and Equal is the Standard to which we Aspire. Over the years the people who actually read our foundational documents and study the laws and have integrity, have expanded the rights and freedom of many oppressed people.

Therefore, IT DOES NOT FOLLOW...It does NOT Follow that in This Nation of Free and Equal, Anti Tyranny, Anti Oppression, This Revolutionary, Enlightenment Era, Free Thinking, Nation of Tolerance and Humanitarianism... That we would EVER EVER EVER  EVER Allow fundamentalists to write laws, bribe representatives, steal elections, revoke rights, infiltrate our public opinions, defame and punish people, oppress our citizens, nor allow them to harm and kill those they don't agree with.  It's bad enough that we allowed industrialists and now corporations and war opportunists to run the world forever

But that is exactly what is happening, here and everywhere.  Christian Fundamentalism alone is swelling to an infectious tsunami sized wave of intolerance hate fear blame and Yes, killing that can Not be Allowed at All. NO. Never.

The righteous religious population has swallowed a lie, and they are puking it up on the rest of us. It makes me sick! their motto of helpless ignorant non understanding is this: Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do and die.... because god said so. It's ridiculous.

I do Not believe in fairies. And I am so happy to be free of such nonsense really. People have the horrible tendency to revert to childish thinking, or passive denial of responsibility to question authority. During the enlightenment when the alleged founding fathers (and their wives, sisters, mothers, girl friends and female acquaintances) THOUGHT About REALITY, they Most Certainly Did Question Authority!!

I ask you now to speak of this to others, to Absolutely Question Authority

And To



street theater more accessible than obscure blogsites

Violence and greed is consuming us, and every living thing. No one is immune to the horror unfolding every day. We will all perish if we do not totally acknowledge and move to dismantle it.

How do We achieve a complete harmony between all living beings? ... if we still have despicable wealth and widespread untenable poverty, religious hatred, cultural hatred, national wars ...
How? It's Impossible.

Yet, even as I write the word impossible, I know somehow, that it is absolutely not impossible.

Total willing willful happy Harmony IS Absolutely Possible.

Obeyance to religious doctrine and passivity just won't do it though. Violence and domination are completely wrong. Philosophy... meh.

Instagram? Twitter? facebook? youtube?! more like... but not.

I think I'm going to go out on a limb and say Performance Art.
Like the Crucifixion or the parting of the red sea... but you know, Better than that, with way more witnesses.

Demonstration.  Act-ivism,  Performance Activism.

In centuries past, puppet theaters traveled the countryside propagandizing the illiterate... it's a proven method.

Protesting in public is a form of performance art. Occupy Wall Street is performance art.

Performance protesting/activism is the way to go.



Just thinking about the King Model...
(not the noble one of MLK Jr),
the stupid one on which we base everything that exists in our murky little human reality...
The King Model
wherein the King rules all he surveys, he conquers, he reigns, he slays
at any and all expense to everyone else.

we think about ourselves this way personally, spiritually
we think of the family this way
our social groups
our societies
our governments
our religion/god
the leader rules
everyone else does as they are told...

It's the much written about discussion of feminists and anthropologists of our time.

Survival of the Fittest
Man's Dominion over the lesser animals
The Boss
Advertising Agencies

The King Model
seeks to Win.
seeks to gain
seeks to be right
seeks power
seeks money
seeks things....
to rule to gain to hold to clutch to

You better let go of It or It will ruin you... exactly as It has the entire world and everything in it.

We have got to realize that the current model of proprietary behavior and Ownership and all of our concepts from DAY ONE are so Flawed and so Integral to the destruction of the earth that we absolutely MUST STOP adhering to, participating in, and believing any and ALL of these ideas and methods of living and thinking.

Our whole society worldwide is based on a lowbrow, archaic and arcane idea that he who has the most gold or the newest iphone wins. No matter how useless and cruel and filthy the system was, is or will become, we keep using the same model believing that "That's the way it is". Disgusting. And Backward.

Toss your litter out the window suck down your coca cola eat your burger pick your scabs and shake your fist at the sun for starving people in Africa. That's the old paradigm at work in our culture today... think of the most ignorant person you know and then try to figure out the One good thing you could say to him/her today to bring them one step closer to actually CHANGING THEIR MIND.




Carl Sandburg once wrote, in a children's story called "Three boys with jugs of molasses and secret ambitions", from the book Rootabaga Stories, "A secret ambition is a little creeper that creeps saying - come and find me, come and find me".

If you feel a special sort of excitement or awe or fear or like you might cry when you read the words telling you that you are are the salvation of the world, I just want you to know that it is really really extra super good for you to feel that feeling. Hold Onto That.


Object Lesson

Sad days are upon us... difficult days. I look at myself and I know I am not physically strong enough to march and rage against the machine and get arrested protesting every fucking atrocity in our sick and crumbling nation... We are so foolish to presume that we have progressed as humans.

I love this world. It is so beautiful. I really love life and all the wonderful things that happen in our lives.

But the simple and true things of this world are hidden now by the nonsense of the societies we have created.

Do you want your life back? Do you want the earth back? Do you even realize that it is being taken from you? (I sound like a conspiracy theorist here, but the world is actually being run by greed infested capitalist corporations, not secret societies, they are right there out in the open, in front of our faces turning the earth into a waste dump.)

I propose an object lesson. A social experiment.

Let us all do something every day for the rest of our lives that promotes the well being of the planet, of our neighbors and ourselves. Let us all reach out beyond the realm of our insular paranoid silly selfish greedy petty lives and make a safe place in this wretched world of despair and separation.

Make small talk with someone you would normally never speak to. Say hello to every person you see. Give something away to a really needy person. Learn to speak another language. Buy books for a school library in the poor part of your region. Buy blankets and coats and give them to a shelter. Walk down the street to that very old lady's or man's house and bring some fruit or flowers and give them your phone number. Offer someone a ride. Stop buying juice in plastic bottles. Tell someone who doesn't understand about pesticides and organics why its so important. Grow a garden. Don't use miracle grow. Buy organic seeds. Tell a joke to the guy waiting on a line with you. Tell someone they look good. Be friendly despite your own problems. Be candid about your own flaws. Tell someone off who is being a real prick to you or someone else with very polite yet searing words and take their photo with your phone. Smile. Bring more food with you and share it generously. Buy some random person dinner, or lunch or Water. And be their friend. Tell them about this whole thing, about taking the fate of our world away from the corporations and the politicians and the bankers and the greedy haters  and the fearful zealots.... by being friends with everyone and by banding together across every possible barrier until the whole population of the world is unified together to protect the earth and the kind people and animals in it.

Begin to Believe that You are the Salvation of the World because YOU ARE.