
What is your happiness based on?

The thing is, we are a culture that likes to have things, as Bill O'Reilly recently pointed out in his own ignorant way. We are Very privileged despite our growing numbers of those who lack... We're obsessed with youth, we love and cherish our Rights, we want our 1st and 2nd amendments untouched, we Believe in our right to the pursuit of happiness to our detriment (ie: ALCOHOLISM, DRUG ABUSE, porn addiction, plastic surgery, gambling addiction,etc... and we LOVE Toys. We are Hoarders to the most revolting health hazard extremes; collectors, gamers, hobbyists, and on and on. We love our things, our toys, and to us Everything is a toy in the pursuit of happiness. A Stamp, a coin, a CAR, a Twinkie, a Barbie, a newspaper, a big gulp cup, an old toothbrush, And A GUN. Many people have more than 1 Gun. As my last two items in the list suggest, even garbage, even useless things are treasures to the sickest among us who can't determine properly for themselves that their living room is not a garbage dump. And our world is a garbage dump with a depleted ozone layer because we all want our things to the point of extinction... doesn't the rat keep pushing the button until it dies? Yes, the rats kept pushing the button until they died. And we are not so far off. Toys and hobbies and pursuit of happiness? What IS Happiness? I ASK YOU. Is it possible in the wake of terror, in the wake of fear, murder, tragedy? What is your happiness based upon NOW? TODAY.


Some Brautigan for us all

Your Catfish Friend

If I were to live my life
in catfish forms
in scaffolds of skin and whiskers
at the bottom of a pond
and you were to come by
one evening
when the moon was shining
down into my dark home
and stand there at the edge
of my affection
and think, “It's beautiful
here by this pond. I wish
somebody loved me,”
I'd love you and be your catfish
friend and drive such lonely
thoughts from your mind
and suddenly you would be
at peace,
and ask yourself, “I wonder
if there are any catfish
in this pond? It seems like
a perfect place for them.”
Richard Brautigan, The Pill Versus the Springhill Mine Disaster



An Open Letter to Pope Benedict From Sinead O'Connor

An Open Letter to Pope Benedict From Sinead O'Connor on behalf of all victims of child sexual abuse by catholic priests, on behalf of all catholic people, and all honourable catholic clergy, on behalf of every media outlet under the sun and on behalf of The Holy Spirit.


Some burning questions arise from the following statement you made in your christmas address to your cardinals on December 20th regarding how it came to pass that the house of The Holy Spirit became a haven for criminals of a sexual nature.

"In the 1970's pedophilia was theorized [by the church] as something fully in conformity with man and even with children."


Here's a woman of significant real power. She's tiny, beautiful, brilliant, and she tells it like it is.

Here's a woman of significant real power.  She's tiny, beautiful, brilliant, and she tells it like it is.
She is not a head of state.  She's a writer (The God of Small Things) and an activist from India.  Listen to her, there's no way that you won't be moved. Everything she says is from her heart. You can watch her "Come September" speech on my youtube page.  The link is in the left corner of this blog page - in green.  In my powerful women playlist, under the title "wisdom" in 5 parts.  It is worth the time it takes to listen.  She makes me cry and yet she makes my heart sing. Knowing that this woman exists gives me faith in the future. She speaks for all the disenfranchised people in the world. She wants everyone to rethink what they believe is good and right. She reveals the secrets and little known or spoken of realities, that need to be seen in order to make an informed opinion about events and actions taking place every day in the world all around us. 


Hallelujah. Beautiful Jeff Buckley - Sweetest Version of this song ever.


silent winter

they came today
and shot the coyotes.

the loud popping of the guns
right outside the house
at eight o'clock
in the morning
was a shock.

I listened to them bark every night
their wild free hearts sang to mine.

Tonight, two small yelps and one in the distance
burn through me like ice
and I cannot help but weep

now there will be no song.